About PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder happens when individuals experience a troubling incident, whether they’re a part of it or witness it. Excessive, stressful, and terrifying episodes, which control the development of brain function and decline the overall life. Let’s overview the Types and Causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
An estimated 3.5% of adults have post-traumatic stress disorder in the United States, and globally, 3.6% according to the World Health Organization.
Normal stress response
Normal stress responses, defined as automatic reactions, occur in different challenging and threatening situations. The body naturally behaves and physically responds to emotional danger and pressure distress.
Furthermore, commonly known as fight-or-flight, where the body releases stress hormones, increases heart rate and energy level, or decreases non-essential functions, for this makes a difference in altering ability.
Normal stress responses lead to highly disturbed psychological and physical wellness.
Acute Stress Disorder.
The stress after traumatic events typically goes on for 3 days or a month, under these individuals suffering from short-term mental discomfort, including persistent stress, neurodevelopment (ADHD), hallucinations, and signs of anxiety.
Symptoms of acute stress disorder
- Negative mood
- Avoidance
- Intrusive memories
- Nightmares
- Emotional distress
Uncomplicated PTSD
After experiencing single dramatic events, uncomplicated post-traumatic stress disorder is developing with flashbacks of snapshots of incidents, continuous fear, nightmares, lack of interest in social gatherings, and blaming yourself.
Estimated 5 to 20% chances of uncomplicated post-traumatic stress disorder, later than troubling accidents.
Considered as ordinary types of PTSD, which have high rates of chance to cure successfully in a short while.
Complex PTSD
Critical conditions of post-traumatic stress disorder, which internally affect the emotions of individuals, seem to be a series of circumstances or lifetime-threatening incidents.
Prolonged and repeated situations of trauma that gradually happen in childhood, chronic and deep fear, and struggling from ongoing troubling conditions.
Comorbid bipolar PTSD
Approximately 50% of people have a combination of comorbid bipolar and post-traumatic stress disorder, determining the worse situation of depression or mania, leading to converting into suicidal attempts thoughts.
In this status, patients face mood swings, insomnia, or often panic attacks, which determine the poor quality of life and lift up interfaces in social and occupational careers.
Dissociative PTSD
Subtype of PTSD involves core symptoms of post-traumatic stress, where people detach from their own identity and body, lose memories, feel, forget important notes regularly, and experience overwhelming stress.
Dissociative PTSD occurs when a person witnesses an extreme shocking event, physical violence, or sexual abuse by someone for a long time.
Major signs of dissociative PTSD
- Depersonalization
- Derealization
We are listing out the cause of post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Sexual assaults
- Accidents
- Bullying and harassment
- Loved one’s death
- War and conflict
- Disasters
- Violence
- Emotional abuse
- Surrounding environment changes
Moreover, this is the Types and Causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that affects differently or totally varies from person to person, a medical condition.
If you need to gather more information and knowledge about post-traumatic stress disorder, including who is mostly affected by it, side effects on health, or serious efforts to cure it.
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